Monday, July 6, 2009

Appliques Appliques Appliques

Here are some more appliques for your viewing pleasure :o) Perfect on a shirt, on some jeans, on a dress, on a beach towel, on a kitchen towel, on a burp cloth, on a bib... You name it :o)

Just a word of caution!

Lately it seems that these online "boutiques" are popping up everywhere. And as I do believe that everyone has to start somewhere... It is important that they not be starting with your child's birthday outfit that you are paying top pricing for. It is important to see pictures of a finished piece that is similar to what you are wanting and to also ask how long the person has been sewing. I have seen too many times someone go to walmart, buy a sewing machine, and a week later they are selling "boutique clothes." Yet, the item falls apart because the person has NO experience... and is practicing on these items they are selling... People should learn to sew BEFORE selling their items! Just a word of caution.

Here are just a few Summer Appliques... 100s more to choose from!

New Appliques!

I am acquiring new appliques by the day! Lots of new designs to choose from... I am working on getting pictures of the appliques up. Still trying to organize the blog. But if you are looking for something specific, please just ask... More than likely I have it :o) Hope everyone has a great week after this wonderful long weekend!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth

Couldn't get one pic with Abbie with her eyes open :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your holiday weekend!

Hope that everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! My weekend has been pretty event filled and lots of fun! Very thankful to be an AMERICAN!

Loved all of the cute RED, WHITE and BLUE outfits that were all the rave today :) Lots of little cuties...

Last minute made my cuties a shirt with the cheapy lil' tshirts that were all I had on hand... Oh well... they turned out ok :)