Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trying to figure this whole thing out!

Ok, still working on this whole blog thing... I have to figure out how to store pics and everything? Anyone want to offer some help? I wish there was a way to categorize pictures... Will update as soon as I can get some pics up.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Blogging Again!

Ok, I tried to get into the blogging thing a while back...And, well, basically, just never did it again... So after many many many askings for a website... I have decided for now to start displaying my designs here... Or at least try to, I have to see how this format will work. I also post on myspace (search suchacutiepie) and facebook, but, some people just dont have those accounts and don't want one :o) I know, hard to believe, huh! So, welcome and I hope you like what you see!